Saturday, February 21, 2009

grow up

congratulations, i hope you're happy.
i hope someone rips your heart out.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Saturday, February 14, 2009

valentines is lame

but pizza is not.
this just arrived.
going to devour.
i hope you all get laid.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

final damnation.

Life is so boring lately. I hate school. I really really hate it. I'm also fed up with our apartment people. Don't fucking wake me up this morning just to tell me you want me and my roommate, who happen to have the ideal placement in the apartments, that you want us to move to another building because there is a 3 bedroom and only 1 girl is living in. HEY HOW ABOUT YOU MOVE HER DOWN HERE BECAUSE I AM NOT FUCKING GOING ANYWHERE. I am finally settled and you want to move me, fuck that. I will show you the lease I signed for THIS room in THIS apartment, and then we can talk after you realize how fucking stupid you are. /rant.
On the other hand I got tattooed. It's awesome. I'm stoked.
When will I stop being lonely?
When will someone find me attractive and rad enough that they will want to buy me dinner?
or kiss me or something along these lines?
fuck love.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

lazy fat and sick

I am really sick.
This shit rules.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

hippie tire covers.

Today I was driving behind some mountain climbing fuck with one of those tire covers that says Life Is Good. As much as I hate those things I could not help but agree. The past few months have been rough. I havent felt like leaving the house. I felt alone in this city. But slowly things are getting better.
Last night Chase, Hibbs and I went to Cruel Hand in Chattanooga. As much as I hate that city it was a good time. I'd road trip everyday if I could. I'm so excited for UB 09. Destroy Everything.
In other news. I would like to say that I think the MTTM Spring collection is week. I was anticipating it. I wish they would have used softer colors. But I will not lie. This cardigan is niiiiice.

I have been getting MAD packages in the mail lately. I think the people in the front office of my apartments think im runnign some sort of illegal business. I think thats rad so I'll just let them think that.
Life Rules. I suck at math.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

If God gave me grace then why aren't I graceful?

I wish i had the chance to be this creepy. Just 5 minutes of your time. Thanks.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

you know.

Remember that time I put glasses on my dog?
Me neither.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

where did it go?

Do you remember when you had not a worry in the world besides scraped knees and a game of red rover?
When nothing mattered except slumber parties and gold stars on your spelling test.
I'd give my left pinkie to relive those days.
I'm a lost cause.

Monday, January 12, 2009


Hey do you remember that time I was happy? Me neither. 
Lately I have been so lonely.  I miss thinking I'm in love. I miss holding someone's hand. and blahblahblah. Two years is too long.

But on the other hand, I am currently on a frantic search for a cat. I need one so bad. Since Kiki is gone, and so is Brittnee, and Ricki is never home. I think I need some company. I want a cat like this qt bb. Its up for adoption here, but I don't think I have the money to get it. Goddamnit.

Recently I've been overly obsessed with everything cute and japanese. Stupid characters and bento boxes. I found an entire site in English that ships here and its full of this cute japanese bullshit that I really don't need, but I will probably buy it anyways. I have a habit of doing things like that, blowing money on useless shit. But I guess that comes with being 19. 

I'm also supposed to be getting 2 new pair of jeans in the mail tomorrow and I think the new Harms Way LP shipped today as well. I'm a tad excited to be wearing jeans without giant crotch holes. I guess you can say I'm a luxurious kind of lady. My sarcasm isn't humorous. 
Today I also erased the entire chalkboard wall in our living room. Since Brittnee is moving out and taking most of the decor, and we erased the wall, its looking a little bare and unsettled in here. I'm not a fan, I can assure you. So as soon as I can, I'm going to be in full decoration mode. Martha Stewart can suck my ass. 
Where did my life go?

Sunday, January 11, 2009


My life is probably the most boring thing to happen to mankind. I barely leave this hell hole of  a town. I'm also pissed school is starting Friday. But, thank Satan I only have MWF classes. That means I can dick around the other 4 days in the week. IN OTHER NEWS today our dishes finally got cleaned. When I say our I mean Brittnee's dishes, not me or Ricki's. they had been in the sink for close to 3 weeks because I cannot deal with that shit. I will ralph everywhere. But,  thanks to Ricki for being a fucking trooper they got clean.
We also found on that Brittnee is moving out this week. FUCKING YES. She is a sweet girl and all but I cant deal with her messes and her parties and her snorting shit off of the dinner table. Its just gross. So hell if you need an apartment in Murfreesboro and you aren't a disgusting slob. Go ahead an move your shit in. 
Im also currently considering moving though. This town is going to make me go insane. I have no friends, the scene is dead, the guys are tools, and all anyone does for fun is play beerpong. I can't handle it much longer. I will fucking shotgun a keg of bleach if this gets any worse.  My life isn't interesting.